Samarth Sai Institute of Nursing

Samarth Sai Institute of Nursing

Welcome to Samarth Sai Institute of Nursing

The Nursing is therefore both, science and art, that requires a sound scientific education. Besides this, nursing is a service to humanity, devoted as it helps curing the patients by applying scientific knowledge and skill during their studies.Read More...

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chairperson message

Dr. Gupta

At Samarth Sai Institute of Nursing, excellence in whatever we do is our halfmark.

With the blessings of Goddess Saraswati, it this temple of infinite knowledge and centre of education, our dedicated faculty and the administrative team works tirefessly in pursuit of enhancing the level of competence and modernizing the techniques of imparting education. This has brought all round appreciation and acknowledgment of the institute.
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A professional nurse is a graduate of a recognized nursing College; who has registered with State Nursing Council, and has license to practice.


To prepare nursing graduate to assume responsibility in preventive, curative and rehabilitative care of patient in hospital and community level.

Knowledge is power

That Nursing is a profession, which is influenced by advances in Science and Technology.

High Qualification

That learning occurs not only in class room, but in the peer group and through participation in wide variety of extra curricular activities in different fields.

College of Nursing

That skill in all aspects of communication is essential for learning and for the practice of nursing.

Unmatched Proffessor

That the nature of nursing education is such that substantial portion of students learning is acquired in clinical area.